Squat racks are the iron horses of weight lifting equipment. By working the whole body, not just legs, squats are one of the core exercises bodybuilders and hobby lifters use when gaining mass and increasing strength. We’ve created a site.

Where can I find squat racks?

Squat Rack Accessories

There are a couple key accessories that you may want to consider if you’re getting into weight lifting with a squat rack. These include things like barbells, barbell covers, weight lifting gloves, weight belts, and more.

Check out some of the squat rack lifting accessories we offer.

Squat Rack Exercises

Now that you’ve gotten your squat rack, what kinds of exercises can you do with the rack? Are there particular exercises that can only be done with a squat rack?

New to Squatting?

Download our free ebook, 7 steps to a proper squat to learn the proper technique when using your squatting machine.